Having a problem with Accordions

I am trying to create a website using the Accordion stack in Foundry. Recently I upgraded to RW-8-Classic. Also made sure that all of the plug-in & Stacks were also upgraded.

Now when I try to use Accordion I will not work in a stack sheet with Foundry. What it is doing the Accordion container will not open on the webpage. There is something called an Accordion page and the plugin works in that case. However, when I switched to another category of page it doesn’t work?

Can someone help please.

Bruce Le Brane
(818) 370-7658

Be sure you’ve got the Foundry theme selected in the theme drop down. Also make sure it is selected for the entire project and not just one individual page(s).

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Thank you for the info. I tried it and it works.

Thanks again


Glad to hear you got it all sorted!

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