Having issues with SVG, Card and background tools

I am having issues with the following tools.
SVG- Not scaling to 100%
Card- When using with a link and a background the link does not work
Background- Tile and contain almost seem backwards.
I did put together a sample that can be seen here
Also I have a copy of the project file downloadable there. There is a button linking to it at the bottom of the page.
Any help would be appreciated.


I too have found that SVG doesn’t scale to 100% so I’ve been using the built-in Stacks SVG component. I never raised it as a point as I presumed it was working in the manner that it does for a reason. I use SVGs quite a lot and it is the only tool I’ve been sustituting in the new F3. Thought I’d mention it, now that it has been raised, I thought it was just me missing the point with it’s intentional method of working.

That’s probably because you added the background stack inside the card stack. If you don’t use a shadow for the card, set the cards background to transparent and put the card inside a background stack, it’ll work.

Yeah, noticed that myself and it drove me nuts. Got a workaround using a custom class, but that shouldn’t be necessary.

It looks like I made the SVG itself an inline-block element. I can’t remember right now why I did this. This is what is preventing it from upscaling. It would need to be a standard block element. I’m going to take a look at this though.

This i because of the way things are being layered. You’re inserting something that has a higher z-index than the link itself (the Background tool) and it is overlapping the link. Background has a couple z-indexes built-in to it for the included overlay and filters. I could address this one specific instance but it may lead to other elements having conflicts. Probably better to just apply a background image to your Card via Blacksmith in this situation.

This is something that I have already fixed for the next update. It is just sitting in the hopper waiting to go out.


Fantastic, that would great, thanks, I’d like to switch all my SVG elements to F3 elements, thanks again.

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Good to know I wasn’t alone on this. Thanks for the tip.

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Thanks that’s a great idea. I’ll give it a try.

Thanks for the info and reasoning on these. I’ll look at using blacksmith for the card stack. Keep up the great work. Love foundry since day one and it just keeps getting better. Love the 3 new tools. On a side note I was always a big fan of your drawer stack maybe one day it can come back as a foundry tool, just a thought.

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