How to: Set breakpoints for Visibility stacks / important

Hi, I am using the visibility stack to show different contents for Desktop/Mobile users.

In my case, I need to distinguish between my iMac and my iPad - landscape mode. The visibility stack does not seem to support iPad landscape mode and my content is shown like on the desktop - and thus broken in some important cases.

How can I have access to define the visibility stack to include landscape iPad mode (or the relevant breakpoints)?

Thank you


Setting custom breakpoints is not an option of Foundry. Foundry adheres to the preset breakpoints of Bootstrap. The landscape breakpoint for Tablet is also the width of many desktop displays. You’ll get crossover in those two at times because not all desktop screens are the same, and the width of ones browser is variable as well. Adjusting your design to work at each breakpoint is a part of your page design process.

What problem are you running into specifically that finds you with broken content? If you give me specifics I bet we can figure it out. :+1:


Hi, then I will have to rearrange the site to have it look nice in the iPad landscpape and Desktop mode.No problem.