πŸš€ Introducing the Hoth Starter Kit for Foundry 3

Otherworldly adventure

Out of this world. The new Hoth Starter Kit gives you a leg up on your site design. This clean, unique layout provides eye-catching elements for just about any site type.

The new Starter Kit provides a versatile set of base page styles to construct your site. Additionally we’ve created a large assortment of mix-and-match templates that can be used throughout the Hoth project, or copied and pasted into other Foundry 3 based projects as well. We’ve even included a unique alternate home page layout as well.

Check out our live preview site for a faux tourism site to see an example of how you might use this gorgeous new Starter Kit.


Hi @elixirgraphics, the Hoth Starter Kit looks great. I’ve just purchased it, but get an error trying to download it. The error is β€œNoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.elixir/Hoth.zip” followed by a long string of data which I won’t quote here.

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I am also getting the same error message when trying to download.


The specified key does not exist.


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Looks like Cartloom was having a problem with the file. I re-uploaded it just now. Please give it another try.

Thanks Adam, that worked successfully.

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Awesome. Not sure what the deal was. It just seemed to think I’d not uploaded the file, even though it was there. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Congratulations on the release of Hoth @elixirgraphics! Well done!


Thanks @egomade! Really appreciate it. Means a lot.

Also, everyone should be checking out the egoMade Starter Kits!

I’m especially loving this newest one:



This an outstanding project. One of your best work.


I can also download tonight. Thank you.

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Amazing! Really shows off the power and unbelievable speed of Foundry 3! :clap::clap::clap:


:sunglasses: So cool, downloaded immediately i saw it!

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Thanks @Eoin! :cold_face:

I have plans in the future for more themed Starter Kits. Might as well have fun, right?!


Hi All, new to this site but loving Foundry 3 so far! Interested in purchasing the Hoth Starter Kit also - can you replace the main header background image with a video?

Hi Smudge - welcome in this forum;-)
I also used the HothStarter - nice moves inside - als always from Adam.
Videos are not a problem - use the CinemaStack selfhosted in a BackgroundStack - and it works fine!

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Hi Roger, many thanks for your reply! That’s great news I’ll get started with the design then :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: