It is time for me to forge a new path

I’ve decided to look into Blocs now. I’ll spend the winter transitioning my site over because I can still use F3 for a few months to keep things ticking along.

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Completely understand. Isaiah has been amazingly pathetic. The core of any good business is communication. And, as a communicator, Isaiah gets a big F-. I didn’t think anything lower than an F was possible, but Isaiah has outdone himself. I don’t particularly care about the coding, but keeping people in the loop every couple of weeks … that would be 5 minutes of time. Too f***king lazy and stupid for me to invest further money into him.

Blocs may also be in my future, although I’ll probably consider a couple other options. I figure/guess that I probably have a couple more years left with Foundry + RW Classic.

… but not responding to Adam since May? Criminal. I’m just too old to support proven a-holes doused with way too much idiocy.


Thank you. I appreciate this… :smile:

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I have to say I hadn’t really looked at Blocs yet however I have just had a look over and it has the same feel that Foundry gives so this may be an option for me too… I’m tired of false promises now and pending release dates with little updates on progress…


It’s really sad to hear about Elixir closing down, but given the circumstances, it’s understandable and not entirely surprising. It’s clear that Adam put lot of passion and effort into building his products and this community, and it’s unfortunate to see it affected by such external factors. The decision must have been tough, but I respect Adam’s thoughtful approach and transparency. I’m sure most folks in this community will also appreciate how though it was to make this decision. I wish Adam nothing but success, joy and fulfillment on his new path. All the best!


Hey Adam

I am sad to hear and I completely understand how you were forced to this decision.

When Elements was announced, I expected this would be the outcome for many developers. Very sad and a poor business decision by realmac.

I have purchased all versions of Foundry and Alloy and with Classic I expect they will meet my needs for sometime to come. I only have personal sites I am responsible for these days.

I wish you the best on the next adventure and THANK YOU for all the creativity and support through the years.



I haven’t posted much on this forum, but wanted to add my voice to those who have expressed great admiration for—and gratitude to—Adam for his work over the years, and dismay at the state of things in the RapidWeaver ecosystem that has led to his totally understandable decision.

I started using RapidWeaver in 2008, and Adam’s themes, plugins and icon sets were among the first add-ons I purchased. His unique, characteristically elegant style was evident from the start—it was part of what made using RapidWeaver a real joy. I tried Foundry and Foundation when they were first released, and as many here have expressed, Foundry was just simpler to use, and became my go-to framework for the sites I built. Needless to say, moving each them to another framework is going to be quite a challenge.

Adam—first off: THANK YOU for your work over the years. The attention to detail you poured into every product you built, every tutorial video you made, and every support query you responded to is unmatched, in my experience. Your work and products are so dependable that I naïvely allowed myself to believe that they would always be there, getting better and better. Would you consider continuing development (albeit at a reduced scale of your choosing) if your customers agreed to a subscription model? Personally, I would be willing to spend recurring amounts to continue to get access to your considerable talent, and the tools that you mentioned already having in development, etc.


Dear Adam

You’ll do just fine with whatever you are about to undertake.

Waiting for that thing called ELEMENT to materialise for far too long, i gave up. I also am not renewing my subscription to Rapidweaver, latest version being 9.2.1. I’ll stick to that, and all of the stacks and themes that I purchased from you over the years (almost all of them).

Even though you will close this support forum, I hope you can keep elixirgraphic website up and running, because I always go back for tutorials for Foundry stacks. If not, how can I download all of those videos so I can use them as future reference?

To the future.

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As I mentioned in a previous post, this was a real bombshell and sad day when I woke up to the news of the closure of Adam’s Elixir, I completely see the reasons and sympathise entirely with Adam and do not attribute any blame and resentment towards him for the desicion he was forced in to, the opposite actually. I had moved from a different framework to Adam’s Foundry 3 and Alloy combination. Over the last 12 months I have converted all the websites I look after to F3, a very time-consumming exercise. Foundry however kept me going through the RW debacle waiting for Stacks Pro. Continuing to use RW 8.9.3, every OS update made me nervious that the core RW app will stop functioning properly and it would be a case of I can’t get to any of my sites to maintain. But perservered waiting for the transition to Stacks Pro. Now though I find, I have to make a tough desicion and swap platform completely. I know F3 will not work in Stacks Pro as there will be no working base template, and still I have no idea when Stacks Pro will be released, it will be ready when it’s ready isn’t really I way I can work. I can’t risk RW not being compatible with the next OS. 18 months ago I thought it may be six months time, I need some kind of clue, even if it is a rough estimate.

It really pains me to say that I’m going to have to leave the Stacks community, I have loved the Stacks eco-system, I have bought nearly of 1LD stacks, probably 60% of Joe’s and loads of others. Basically have been well invested in the community.

So… for Foundry users, if you are feeling stuck now, this is what is working for me. I downloaded the demo of Blocs Tuesay morning. Have been putting it through it’s paces. It is different, but that is mainly interface, however I’m finding it very similar to Foundry and the modular Bootstrap way of working. Blocs is Bootstrap the same as Foundry. I have to say I’m impressed, there are a few things that are done differently but the forum helps adjust, but on reflection they are an interesting and well thought out way of doing things. If you can use Stacks/F3 it doesn’t take much to adjust. I rely on Alloy so am going to adopt Blocs and Volt CMS I today.

Please don’t misconstrue this post as RW or Stacks thing. If Foundry/Alloy wasn’t ceasing I would still be continuing with Stacks, although nervous of OS updates and RW 8.9.3. This is intended as a bit of my own experience that may be of some help to Foundry users that are facing a “what do I do now situation?” and are having a bit of a panic. This works for me, but we all work and think differently.

Some of the template devs may find Blocs interesting and a market to work in, especially when you can but don’t have to produce full templates. It looks to me as though Brics are the stacks/tools and Blocs (that can be made and sold) are combinations of these to make modular content similar to Adam’s add on packs. It would be great to see more of that content available for Blocs.

Again though, really sad to be leaving the Stacks eco-system, I’ve really wanted to support Stacks as I think it has a unique community and a positive supportive body of devs, I just can’t wait another, 3, 6 or 12 months of being in the dark and not knowing what is going to happen. Elements just isn’t an option, zero trust in that camp.


Echoes my thoughts. I am going to move away from RW/mythical stacks app completely now because I have lost faith that stack app will ever be released. Also think that when RW stops working it will happen suddenly and leave me hung out to dry.
I also predict that Stack App will need to be developed by another larger ‘character’ to ever see fruition and continued development.


My Two Cents

This announcement was inevitable, knowing Adam as a friend, I was expecting it. I have been testing Foundry since 2016 before the initial release of F1. In that time I have become friends with Adam and his wife, having met and chatted over lunch a couple of years ago while on vacation in their previous city of residence. To say I am saddened by this is an understatement. Having private chats with him about this going back to March of 2022 when Realmac decided to pivot and start ripping everyone off and disenfranchising its devs, we have discussed endless what ifs about the future of Foundry and Elixir.

I am also angry at both Realmac and YourHead for such ineptitude and disregard of others by their petty argument. Mostly, it is from Realmac wanting the whole pie instead of sharing. This is my opinion, but from what I have observed is that elements is only a big revenue stream for them, which is all well and good, but at the expense of a community that has been built of almost twenty years. Elements elements will be monetized to the hilt. Mark my word, anything beyond the basic functionality of the app will be a paid upgrade of the usage of a particular cool component, you will need to pay for that functionality. The lack of communication from both Realmac and YourHead has been horridness.

As Adam has stated, YourHead has been silent on whether or not F3 could have a viable option for porting it to StacksPro. IMHO, seemingly another prominent dev has Isaiahs ear and is sailing along just fine with his framework and being able to request certain features for himself. Thus squeezing out all other competition from the marketplace when and if StacksPro launches at some murky, future date. That dev is rewriting all of his current stacks to work with StacksPro and will undoubtably charge for the new functionality. This indicates to me he has access to the most current StacksPro build available.

I know this will cause some peoples feathers to be ruffled, but at this point after seeing my friend agonize over the stupidity and short sightedness of two squabbling adults, I really don’t give a shit what they think of me.


Head back up to this post and give it a read. It’ll have answers for you there.

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@Steve_J So well written! Thanks for all your contributions (even though not the developer himself).


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This is so absolutely untrue. No stacks (not themes) need to be rewritten. I have the current public release of StacksPro and zero of my stacks need to be rewritten. I’d say keep this thread into thanking Adam for his hard work and contribution to the community, and not push into conspiracies.

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Say what you want. I have a beta of Stacks Pro in which Foundry does not properly work. Especially with the new Layouts features.

I’m happy it works for you but it does not for me.


@Stacksweaver If you read above (and I understand if you didn’t) then we already had the theme vs. stacks issue clarified. But to use frameworks you need both the relevant theme and the relevant stacks to work together. They don’t.

That ain’t a conspiracy … them are facts. Great if none of your stacks need to be rewritten, but different for Adam with a framework.

If there’s a conspiracy it’s Joe being in constant contact with Isaiah, but other framework developers are left in the dark. That looks/smells look a conspiracy to me.

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Direct quote. “ I’m not working on Stacks Pro. Purely helping to test and make sure that it’s solid for everyone.”

And another with the use of “we”.

“ It’s in the works. We are making sure that it’s much more functional than the existing beta. I feel we are close.”

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@Steve_J Weekend at Bernies 2? Is there an Isaiah anymore?

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I hate to ask in a public forum, but how much do you need to continue? What if all of us who care send you cash or simply buy stacks/projects? I’m still interested in buying some, and quite frankly, you would save me in design time!