It is time for me to forge a new path

I appreciate the sentiment. My mind is made up though. I put myself through a lot to get to this decision.

This is indeed heartbreaking to hear, and another example of the times changing around usā€¦
Ironically I just finished rebuilding my website using Foundry 3 and came on the forums to say what a pleasure it has been this last week only to find this threadā€¦

Adam, it has been a pleasure from the first website to the last, and it is obvious from all the messages in this thread that you and your un-ending support and talent will be sorely missed going forward. Thank you for all the time love and effort you have put into everything ā€œElixirā€ and I wish you all the best in whatever comes next. <3


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Elixirgraphics are always fun to work with.

We will miss your fun.


Is it possible to download the documentation so that we may get used from it after youā€™ve closed down?

This is all very sad!!! I will miss your friendly support, your reliable and easy to use products, and the flexibility and creativity that can be achieved with them. But I fully understand your decision and wish you all the best for your future and new paths. Thank you for all of your work and passion that you have put in it and shared with us.
How long will Foundry and Alloy work, what do you think? How fast do we have to look for alternative software and rebuild all our sites? (a horrible thoughtā€¦!) Can you - or somebody else in this community as long as it is still existing - recommend anything out there that is somehow similar to Foundry and Alloy? (I own foundation as well, but I never got into it, I never managed to go through hours and hours of video tutorials, sorry Joeā€¦)
Any advice is gratefully acceptedā€¦
I wish you all the best and good luck

PS: I know itā€™s too late, Adam, but I would have payed an anual subscription fee, if you would have decided for this option to secure your livelihood

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Scroll up to this post and read through it. Your answer is there.

Foundry should be fine for some time to come honestly. If something minor is thrown off by a bug in a browser, most often this would be Safari, then you could likely overcome it with Blacksmith if it is an aesthetic thing. Alloy though ā€“ it depends on PHP updates honestly. I canā€™t predict that.



Two things: 1 - Other frameworks are still in Realmacā€™s marketplace. Why isnā€™t yours?
2. I still plan on purchasing some items from you. I hope Vitor from egoMade answers my emails soon because I want him to build out a new site for me using his excellent Bumble Foundry 3 project, but I plan on buying around $325 worth of items from you. Foundry 3, Alloy, Flux, Documentation, Sidekick, Yggdrasil, etc. I hope that helps financially. I would even consider a subscription so that it pays for this forum and all your creativity. I hope you find a solution to save Elixirgraphics soon.

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I appreciate the sentiment but Elixir is going away. Thereā€™ll be no subscriptions or the like. I am sorry. Mine is not in the shop because I removed it recently as Iā€™m closing the business.


First let me say thank you for all the hard work. I donā€™t do subscriptions, but I do buy ALL updates because I support developers.

When Adobe went subscription, I rode Dreamweaver 8 until MacOs made the wheels fall off. Then I did my research and decided on Rapidweaver/Stacks/Foundry.

Rapidweaver and Stacks are just ok but Foundry made them sing. Not only is Foundry elegant, but no one, and I mean no one can produce a tutorial like you can. You obviously have video production experience. The tutorials alone were the deciding factor to move to Rapidweaver/Stacks/Foundry.

And then thereā€™s the support, which is second to none. Most of my problems were my fault and one was your fault. Through it all you were just fantastic.

I have not subscribed to Rapidweaver, but I have purchased the Stacks and Foundry upgrades. I intend to ride them until the wheels fall off.

I can feel the pain that led to your decision and itā€™s sad that Realmac and YourHead let you (and the rest of us) down.

I wish you only the best and if I can be of any help, please reach out. And again,



Couldnā€™t you have sold Elixir to somebody else who could have taken it further? After all, it is a great loss for many people, not only personaly not having you in the community any more, but as well from a financial point of view. We advertise ourselves and our products via our websites, and if we now have to familiarise ourselves with new web design software and rebuild everything from scratch, thatā€™s a big problem for many people and very time-consuming. Perhaps it would be really smart and fair to all of us if someone else took over Elixir, even the competition if necessary?

In a dwindling market it doesnā€™t make sense for someone to buy a business with a customer base that is shrinking due to much of what has been covered in this thread.

Iā€™ve send you a DM some days ago with the offer to discuss how your products could be supported after you are closing your shop. You even didnā€™t take the time to reply.


Didnā€™t see it. Iā€™ll take a look.


Thanx for all your great RapidWeaver & Stacks Addons. We always hope the good things last forever ā€¦ with a little update now and then.

The primary software model in this sphere has been purchase and ownership, but it is probably and unfortunately a dying swan. Mening fewer programming hands to keep Stacks alive and kicking.

Iā€™m sad youā€™re the next to pull the plug, but I understand and wish you the best of luck. Time to move on ā€¦ all the best.


Sorry to hear this. Iā€™ve just begun to build a first site using Foundry for my small business and will be retiring in a few years.
I guess Iā€™m here looking for some honest advice on wether to continue or move now to something else Thanks in advance to anyone who replies
Paul B.

There are many users out there, myself included, who have many client sites powered by F3. I have 22 with two more due to launch soon (80% complete). To change to another platform (even within RW), is a mamouth task. Not to mention client blogs powered by Alloy.

So I do hope both @instacks and @elixirgraphics can do a deal that sees F3 supported into the future, even of itā€™s only for a certain amount of time: ie. X years, etc.

Whilst this is all terribly sad for Adam and the wider community, Adam owes it to his users to ensure a smooth transition. I entirely understand Adams desire to cut and move on, quickly, but users can not be left high and dry with only a matter of days notice.

Good luck to whatever you do next Adam, Iā€™m sure you will be successful. But please consider your users when deciding on the future of F3.


Hi Adam,

Iā€™m gutted. Your products and service have been amazing: thank you!

I cannot say I am surprised. I wish you all the very best in your new endeavours.



I fully agree and hope that my customers will be able to run their websites and blogs with Alloy for a few more years. Please see with instacks that you find a way to continue to support us. Thank you!!!

Based on our initial talks it does not seem likely to happen.

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