@ASA – I’m not looking to take on any web design at this time. I’ve moved on to doing something quite different. Thankfully it is still working for myself, but it definitely is more work and longer hours. Wasn’t sure that was possible, but it is.
What a sad news.
@elixirgraphics , I understand your decision given the bizarre circumstances.
Thank you so much for all the great work you have done over the years.
I was a Foundry supporter from the moment I first used it.
Thanks for your incredible hard work and dedication Adam, be well!
I think some people are being a bit harsh with Realmac here…would foundry and Elixir even happened if it wasnt for Realmac. they too are a business and need to progress. I have loved using Foundry etc and sad it’s going. If one business has to rely on another then there could always be a problem down the line. Perhaps a subscription model might have created more income.
anyway all the best in your new ventures. Go ask Realmac if they need a developer.
Dear Adam. This is really such pity, you’ve created such amazing tools and I love to use them. I will miss your input and for the moment I can’t imagine using Rapidweaver without your products. Not sure where it will all go to, but I like to express my deepest gratitude for what you’ve done for us. All the best, Jürgen
What was harsh is what they did, while most of it has been said, it was a shady thing they did that started this… Almost all devs have lost trust in them.
RW wouldn’t exist without Stacks or stack developers, period.
This whole mess created by Realmac is reminiscent of George III and serves as a reminder that tyranny is the forever enemy of freedom.
Without Stacks and the great work done by stacks developers, Realmac would’ve gone to the wall years ago.
So sad to read this. Your stacks and themes are the first I think of when starting a new project. It’s why I own all of them. Thank you for years of great products and support! I wish you much success on your next journey!
It is sad to hear, but I can understand you. Can you do me a favor? Can you post from all your apps the highest php version you know at this time it runs with. For example Sidekick php 5.6, Foundry 3 php 5.8 and so on.
All the best for the future.
Couldn’t the opposite be happening? I mean, building the publishing infrastructure around Foundry, to make it able to replace RapidWeaver.
Another alternative could be joining your strengths with Serif/Canva, to add web design features to Affinity Publisher. It would empower greatly that program, offering it the best possible integration between publishing on paper, PDF and the web. And without any need to start from scratch.
The latest version of Publisher (v2.6 beta) also offers the ability of having pages of different length. This says web design, for me.
What does this mean for all the websites and client sites I have built using Foundry and its add-ons? Will they continue to function? I just bought your latest stack and was never able to download it. Will our sites and stacks continue to work?
My company going away will have no affect on your sites or your ability to continue to use my plugins.
As Adam wrote, your sites are completely fine. If you need to do an overhaul to the site in the future, then that’s different. I’m making certain timeline guesses, but here’s how I’m proceeding:
- I fully expect Foundry to work with RW 8.9.3 for at least two more years. I have RW 8.9.3 on the newest Mac OS and all is fine.
- I also expect that at some point a new Mac OS will somehow “break” with RW 8.9.3. At that point I’ll upgrade to the most current version of RW Classic (the one that has an annual renewal). I’m guessing that this upgrading will give me another 5 years … or 7 years total.
- I’m also guessing that at some point RealMac will drop the Classic product itself, and only support the new Elements app. In that case, I’ll use Classic as long as I can, but I’m pretty confident I have about 7 years more usage out of it.
Obviously I’m “guessing” but I think the guesses are pretty reasonable. That gives me 5-7 years conservatively to identify, learn, and use a new web design product. That’s a completely fine timeline for me.
I have to say I have loved and purchased nearly every product you sell. You have provided excellent products and customer service which have been a huge part of my success and for that, I am very grateful. I wish you all the best this life has to offer. I imagine you have some good karma stored up for how principled you have run your business. I admire and respect that.
Thanks, @mitchellm, for that guesstimate. I had a total estimation of 4 years, but 7 years is even better. Like @dcsillag said, I will use Foundry 3 until the wheels fall off!
I second @DesignCreatrix @elixirgraphics. You were the most principled developer on this platform; your excellence showed through every product. No one here doubts that you will do great in your next venture. Peace out and don’t forget us.
I was debating to quit making websites after 27 years at some point in the future. As 90 % on my client work relies on your Themes and since Foundry sole on that – you made the decision for me.
I wish you all the best for your future and I thank you for all your great work in the last two decades.
I am in a similar situation and it may be that Adam’s decision will also bring about a decision for me. So far I haven’t found an alternative to Foundry that I can spontaneously decide on and feel familiar with. We’ll see… but as @DesignCreatrix already wrote: we work karmically with our actions and are all connected somehow, and if Adam’s decision also influences my work, then so be it and then it will be good. Thank you, Adam, for your wonderful work and support in the past and for the changes you are now bringing about in my life through your decision. I wish you all the best on your journey!
Have only just become aware of this - and just in the nick of time. So sorry it’s ending this way. Great products all these years. All the best Adam.