It is time for me to forge a new path

Spoke with further with Janis this morning. We can’t work something out that is agreeable to the both of us. That’s ok though. I wasn’t looking to sell Elixir, or any of its parts to start with.


You should really take care about your typos…

No, I’m out. The conditions aren’t good for me.

Good luck for everyone.

Thanks. Fixed that. What happens when you’re typing on your phone.


I’ve send you a DM some days ago with the offer to discuss how your products could be supported after you are closing your shop. You even didn’t take the time to reply.

You might want to proofread your own post before casting dispersions on someone else.

Sent. Not send.


Not all typos are equal - and not everyone is a native English speaker …

Especially in a moment like this, where many are apparently hurting, it would be great to NOT drive this small community into more divisiveness (is that a word ?). We have been strongest when we support each other and grateful to the many experts who shared their expertise with us ‘amateurs’ - Adam is certainly one of those pillars of the community.

I would love to see a continuing solution for the many Foundry users out there, but this is Adam’s decision - and we shouldn’t judge. Some people seem obliged to take sides, and suggest blame on one or the other person. Yet, we should realize, that we know so little: not everyone is wealthy, not everyone is healthy, and not everyone is good in what we think is easy or essential to do.

Such is life, let’s stop pouring oil into the fire.


I cannot tolerate hypocrites.


LOL, I accidentally deleted my own post :smiley: Maybe a sign to take it easy …

OK, could be restored - that leaves just the moment to laugh at myself …

What a pity. Thanx for all the support in all these years. Good luck with the new way.


Bad news… You were the best… User interface, ease of use, real needs… Foundry3 remain an incredible tool. You can be proud… I wish you all the best for your next step… :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:



  1. Isaiah is now communicating with the community and is preparing to share his new beta of Stacks-Pro.

  2. Realmac says that RapidWeaver Classic is here to stay and will be supported in the foreseeable future.

  3. Are you 100% sure you are ready to go?

We all hope that you don’t. You are the very best dev out of all of them because you have saved us in design time. Even if you priced Foundry 3 higher than Foundation (whatever version JW is at) we’d buy it!

Terrible news, but given the environment (and I don’t mean just technically) that Realmac has created completely understandable.
If there were no Foundry I wouldn’t be using RW at all. There are some excellent developers out there of course, but so far Adam is the one with the graphics design flair and the web development flair to make things look good, and to make them work right out of the box. And the personality and helpful attitude to make me want to deal with him and use his products.
Thank you Adam and very best wishes.

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I appreciate your kind words, but my announcement was not that I was thinking about leaving, it was that I am indeed leaving. I put much thought and consideration into it all before announcing it.

Yes, of course he is posting now. People are upset. I saw his post on his Discord channel. Still have not heard from him myself though if that tells you anything.

If you believe that RapidWeaver Classic will stick around after Elements is profitable, then I have bad news for you unfortunately. That announcement is to keep users interested and hanging around so they can eventually sell you on why you should migrate to Elements.


Oh man. So, so many years I’ve depended on your products.

I completely understand, and yet I still feel gutted. This is like if Apple suddenly closed doors and I’d be left looking at Microsoft and Google to fill the gaps.

Hey, it’s not about me though. Best wishes man. I gained a lot from some of your very first contributions to the RealMac community all the way through Foundry. I hope that your new direction is just as successful! :heart:


Sadly, I believe you are 100% correct on this too. You’re an awesome developer, and I’d hire you to recreate our site in F3 (if you were interested). Whatever you are going to do, I’m sure you’ll do great because you put a lot of heart and effort into what you do. Like what you did with Elixir, and it’s truly mind-blowing. I followed your site from icons, yes, icons (not everyone knows that) to your Foundry projects. Excellent stuff, and you will be truly missed. I know JW tried to buy you out he wouldn’t be able to keep up with your excellent work, it would grow stale as he’s not a designer. I’m not here to bash him, but everyone here is nice and would not admit that. I hope Vitor does not pull his site anytime soon :slightly_frowning_face:


I will really miss the quality of the documentation you always produced for your products. Simply the Best.


This is not true. As I said before on this thread and others, Adam is a very talented designer. Definitely a better one than me. We all have our strengths…

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Hi Adam,

Sorry to see you go, mate!

As sad as the news is, I do understand it completely. It is a blow to the community for sure, but one that has been coming for at least two years now.

You stacks and of course Foundry have been at the center of pretty much all my designs, and I thank you for those products and the labour you’re poured into them in the past two decades.



@joeworkman i think that @ASA missed a word in their sentence there. I think was trying to “if” like so:

It is with great sadness @elixirgraphics that I read this post. For many years you have been a stalwart of the Rapidweaver community and the inspiration behind the much of the success of this platform. The combination of your web and design knowledge has inspired not only myself but others and you will be missed. Apologies if this question has already been addressed, but are you able to tell me/us how long the Foundry 3 framework will continue to be a usable framework ? How long this community has with which to migrate away from Foundry 3 and Alloy and over to an alternative solution. You will be missed. Thanks. Justin

Good bye Adam!!!

It’s a shame to see how the best product (for me and many others) and so the man behind it is being crushed between nonsensical rivalries and incompetence. It’s understandable when you pull the plug.
You have to feed the cats.
I wish you and your family all the best and every success for your future projects.

Thank you for your great work over the last few years. I loved your products.

And like dcsillag said:

“…I have not subscribed to Rapidweaver, but I have purchased the Stacks and Foundry upgrades. I intend to ride them until the wheels fall off…”