Looking for the Game-Changing Sort Stack Substitute for F3

Hello. I’m currently searching for an alternative solution to replace the Sort stack that comes with the F2 Thunder pack for my F3 project. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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@MagicNeico There are a few sort stacks here:

There may be other sort stacks out there also, but Stacks4Stacks does a good job and is worth a look.

i miss also the F2 sort-stack tool as well … the sort-tool from S4S is not the same

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@mitchellm Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and suggest an alternative. Your input is greatly appreciated.

@Pegasus The Stacks4Stacks are also cool options; however, nothing can beat the beautiful design and flexibility of the Sort F2 stack.
@elixirgraphics Adam could you please confirm whether you are working on a solution for F3? Would love to use F3, but for now I have to continue using F2 then.

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Currently no, I do not have a replacement for Sort in the works.

Just to echo @Pegasus @MagicNeico remarks - I too miss the sort stack in Foundry 2. So if there are any developers out there willing to take up the challenge, there is a demand for this kinda stuff :wink:

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There are existing alternatives out there currently if you’re in need of one. In addition to the one already mentioned YabDab also offers a similar tool, which does more than Sort did. I’m not against such a tool, I just would need to code something from scratch to make me happy with it, as I don’t want to base it off of jQuery, as it was a huge goal to remove jQuery from the Foundry tools in the v3 update.


I miss sort in F2 too. But I have discovered Stacks4Stacks has some great alterantive stacks - Checkmate, Filter and SortStack.