Markdown - template

Is there a markdown template that can be use to write content and then be placed in the post folder for the blog to automatically read?

Reason I ask is that I have tried to write material using markdown and saving it with the .md to have ot miss vital pieces when I went to view;

I a not sure if this is possible but it would stream line making things for me.

My best suggestion would be to setup the Editor and use that for your posts. It is super easy to use and makes things far easier. If you want a “template” though which contains the necessary YAML front matter, you can setup the Editor and make a sample post, including all of the data in the new post and save it. Then open up that post and viola you have your necessary YAML and post. That said, without the Editor it will be very hard to set the date on your posts. The date is taken from the file info, which the Editor sets when saving the post(s). If you don’t need to set the post date and time you’ll be OK.