Members space and nav bar items

Hi, I’m « playing » around with Sitelok from Vibralogix (learning curve now). Is there a way with Foundry3 to only display certain items in the navigation bar when the user is connected to their member area? In other words: as long as a user is not logged in as a member, he does not see certain items in the site’s navigation bar. If not, is it possible to apply two navigation bars (one for the public and one for registered members) and display the appropriate one depending on whether you are connected as a member or not)? I think about sidekick. Don’t have the starting of a clue to bring that alive… maybe I should start my brain on :grimacing:

Yes, you can do that.

The easiest way is to use this Sitelok stack from Joe Workman, which is what I use with Vibralogix Sitelok. :slightly_smiling_face:

@logrunner Hi, thanks for your response. I already have Sitelok stack from Joe Workman, it’s a useful automation stack, time saver. But I don’t have problem with Sitelock even without it, I try to find how to show/hide content based on logged in or not users. So my question stays open.

You use the Visilok stack to control what is shown when you are logged in or not. In the Visilok stack, check the Include Else Logic? checkbox in the Inspection panel. This will enable you to put stacks in the first IF TRUE section (if logged in) or the second ELSE section if not logged in (or vice-versa depending on how you set the Display When? field i.e Logged In or Not Logged In. You then setup a separate Navbar in each section, one for logged in and one for logged out.

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Thank you very much for your detailed answer. I wondered if it was possible to just show/hide items in nav bar, in fact I hoped it but I tried different ways and it doesn’t work good. So Two bars with visilok is the obvious way to go or a complete nav bar custom build… still not decided :face_with_monocle:.
Whatever, thank you again, I now know how to. :+1:

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