Modal close by click on a link

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding the modal. I’m working on a one-pager and my plan is to have a full screen modal as main menu initiated by an icon. Inside I want to place a list group and all list items are my menu content. The links should reference to a corresponding anchor on the page.

So much for my idea. The problem seems to be that if I click on one of the links, the modal is not closing. That’s a bit “irritating”. Since I’m not a coder I was brave enough to ask AI for help :laughing: and got something like this back (Java Script):

  // Get the modal, menu links, and close button elements
  var modal = document.getElementById('myModal');
  var menuLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-link');
  var closeButton = modal.querySelector('.close');

  // Function to close modal and remove overlay
  function closeModal() { = 'none';
    // Remove the modal-backdrop element
    var backdrop = document.querySelector('.modal-backdrop');
    if (backdrop) {

  // Attach click event to menu links
  menuLinks.forEach(function(link) {
    link.addEventListener('click', closeModal);

  // Attach click event to close button
  closeButton.addEventListener('click', closeModal);

  // Attach click event to modal overlay
  window.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    if ( === modal) {

I took out the parts of which I thought that could help me and so I only used this:

  // Get the modal, menu links, and close button elements
  var modal = document.getElementById('mainMenu');
  var menuLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.list-group-item');

  // Function to close modal and remove overlay
  function closeModal() { = 'none';
    // Remove the modal-backdrop element
    var backdrop = document.querySelector('.modal-backdrop');
    if (backdrop) {

  // Attach click event to menu links
  menuLinks.forEach(function(link) {
    link.addEventListener('click', closeModal);

Maybe selecting some things wasn’t the best approach… The result is that the modal seems to go away but not completely so I’m stuck a little.
Been watching on this the whole day – maybe there is a simple solution to it but I don’t see it… Any help is very appreciated.

I attached the test file to this post.
231117 (454.5 KB)

Cheers and happy weekend to all

Do you have a link to a site that you’ve seen that uses an overlay menu with anchor links? I have only seen anchors on a page with a sticky menu.

Hi @stackJunkie,

thanks for your answer but unfortunately no. Haven’t seen something like this. Right now the way I described above is what I did so far. If there is an easier way with keeping the modal as a full screen overlay, than I’m really happy to get more input or hints. :upside_down_face:


Hmm, unfortunately I don’t think you can use a modal with anchor linking within the page. I could be wrong, maybe someone with backend knowledge can chime in. The modal by nature is just a temporary overlay that floats on top of a page if you use anchors it will take you to the section on the page but wont close the overlay.

Agreed… That’s why I was wondering if there might be a solution for this using a short JavaScript function. But I’m not able to solve this since I’m not into coding.
As an alternative, it may be possible the whole link including the anchor, e.g.
But this would be more like a workaround. If it isn’t possible, so be it. I just wanted to ask for some solution with a modal.

Keep smiling