Nav Bar Pro 'offset' feature request

On Nav Bar Pro stack, can you please add an ‘offset’ to anchor links, to avoid covering sticky navigation bar ? the same function you did for the Mega Menu stack, but the params should be different cause we can define a different height upon the device.
For me, a check box “offset upon the navigation bar height” under the ‘Sticky navigation’ check box should be a must !
For now I put a Margins stack under each anchor, but to changes the look of the page. Thanks, Yves

Hi there @Yves – Long time no see!

Navigation Bar Pro doesn’t have an anchor based navigation option, this is why it does not provide offsets. If you’re using normal anchors on your page Navigation Bar Pro doesn’t have any way to know that or to interact with your anchors.

Can’t you use an off-site page type? This does show in the navigation and thus in the nav bar pro stack…