Navigation Bar does not open page

Just build my first webpage. Navigation works fine in Rapidweaver, same is true for the simulation (iPhone …).
Then I published the web site to folder CT_WEB_TEST on my desktop and double-clicked index.html in this CT_WEB_TEST folder - the Homepage opens as expected. The address line of Firefox shows:

… /CT_WEB_TEST/index.html

When I click on an item in the navigation bar of the home page, the contents of the folder of that page is shown, instead of opening the page. The address line of Firefox shows:

… /CT_WEB_TEST/page/

If I add index.html to that line (… /CT_WEB_TEST/page/index.html) - it works

Why does the click on the navigation bar items produces a wront / incomplete address ?

What can I do to fix it ?

Thank you for your help !

URLs do not need to include index.html or index.php to be valid and properly work, so I don’t believe that is the problem. Please provide us a copy of your project file so we can see what you’re working on. Troubleshooting without it is the equivalent to walking around a haunted house in the dark.

Create a ZIP file containing your project file. This is the file you open in RapidWeaver to edit your site. After creating the ZIP file, upload it using a service like Dropbox, WeTransfer, Droplr, or a similar service to create download link for us. Paste that download link in your reply.

When you do that also include the name of the page you’re having a problem on and the name of the navigation item that you feel is not working properly.

I have got an error trying to upload files - not allowed for new users

Please re-read my post above as it details how you should be sharing your file.

OK I try using WESendit

Please try this link:

^^^ From my original post: Let us know this information as well. ^^^

I just published a test of your project file here: Home | CoolTronic Website

Are you seeing the problem on this published test site above?

Do you have a URL to your published page we can look at?

I tried to describe the problem in my initial post:

  1. Export or republish the complete web site to a FOLDER on my mac
  2. double click on index.html in the top folder where all these pages etc. reside
  3. Home page opens ok
  4. clicking on “Controller” or “Anwendung” gives this in my address line of Firefox:

and the browser window / Tab shows me not the web page, but the contents of the folder / directory:

Index von file:///Users/FPJ/Desktop/Test/page/

[In den übergeordneten Ordner wechseln]

Please note that I try to test the webpage having it LOCAL on my mac. Perhaps this does not function the same way as via an URL ?

The Webpage you just published seems to work.

I can not publish it to my present internet provider where I have my old page running because it uses a CMS and was not created by me …) - have a look at:

I am on the way moving to a new provider where I want to use my own design and thought
I can test it locally before. I do not want to switch before I am sure about everything works fine,
because the switch to the new provider is not undoable.

Perhaps this is not the usual way users operate your program … sorry about that, but I thought testing LOCALLY would work the same …

Perhaps another problem I had - I tried my logo entering it in the navigation bar, but it was incredibly small - with no change for different resolutions of the graphic - any idea ? I also tried playing with custom size, but no effect either …

Thanks a lot for your help - your advice is very much appreciated - regards Frank

Links on your Mac are not the same as on a published site. The server will process your URLs properly, as you can see in my published test.

Make the Navigation Bar taller and the logo will grow in size as well.

Concerning the logo - what I want to see is like on the test web site - CoolTronic (logo) on the left, the same height as the buttons of the navigation bar on the right.

I used the possibility to enter the logo as image “Normal” instead of “Site Title” under branding of the navigation bar.

I tried custom logo size again - it is OK now - forget this point - thank you

obviuosly there is a lot out there for me to learn about your program :wink:

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