Need some recommendations on nice paragraph

I’m looking for some tips on putting a nice paragraph in between some elements on my Foundy 2 site.

Pic shows red arrows where I’d want it to be.
This would be a repeatable type of thing that would go between other elements on this page.

Looking to make something that doesn’t just look like a paragraph stack with some words.
Any tips or guidance would be appreciated.

Looking for something that’s not ‘wallpaper’ but not too ‘in your face.’
Would love to hear some recommendations.

@zamboknee Hi, It’s really difficult to give advice with so little information. Can you post an image of the entire page and indicate clues of what you would like so that we can give you ideas that are not totally out of this world ? Sincerely yours.

Thanks Bruno.
Here’s a screen cap of the page
I’m just looking to do something simple that catches the eye. Don’t want any animated stuff but I’m going to put a paragraph under each section that will help my SEO.

Ok, maybe you could take a look at Bevel and Paragraphpro at Bigwhiteduck. Bevel would allow you to cut out your paragraph to attract the eye in the style of your page. I would use inverse angles of those already present coming alternately from the left and right. I don’t know if I’m making myself understood? It’s one idea among many others without animation.

Cool. I’ll check those out. Much appreciated.