Need to clear cache/clear history for every change

It seems that anytime I make a change I need to clear my browser’s history and data (specific to the site I’m working on, anyway).

Is this normal or maybe inherent in the browser I’m using (firefox)?

For instance, added the Topper Plus stack into my blog entries stack and only 1 of the changes took effect after visiting post-publish.

It seems I have to ‘republish all files’ and then clear browser data/cached content, history to be sure the changes I made in RW/Foundry took effect.

Is your hosting partner using server caching, such as Cloudflare? That often takes a while to catch up. Republishing all files usually works, although I’m using Safari.

Not using Cloudflare. Just checked with host (chillidog) and they actually recommend AGAINST using it.
Changes don’t take affect in Safari either, unless I clear cache/data, republish everything.