New Webdeersign Foundry Project19

Generate you own unique SVG code using generators such as or and use with the new PaddyBG to add an SVG background to any stack. Just copy the code and paste into PaddyBG. Project 19 has 10 different and unique designs to plunder and copy and paste into your designs.

Checkout the demo at Webdeersign RapidProject 19

Also the 50% SALE is still on until and of Monday, so Project19 including the whole Paddy Suite, is currently only $10.

Get it while it’s hot!

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Hi Nostrildomus, I assume you figured it out but I should have pointed out out that the 50% off discount code is:


Have a great weekend.

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If you haven’t visited or then these are well worth investigating to see the type of SVG BG’s that can be created with simple selection of colours. Some have other parameters that are worth trying for a try it and see approach and sometimes the results van be unexpected.

The Opacity controls allow the gradients, object, patterns or tiled results to be made as subtle or as in your face as you want, depending on the type of BG you are looking to create.

The resulting code is tiny and size wise is insignificant, when compared to an equivalent image loaded as a jpg or png image and remains pin sharp on the very largest monitors.

When you are finished creating an SVG BG, you can just copy the code and paste into PaddyBG (supplied with Project19).

50% SALE still on BTW, until tomorrow. Code = paddy


I did … Thank you very much -Instant buy !

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Adding PaddyBG SVG backgrounds to the Foundry Banner stack.

For stacks like Foundry’s Banner that don’t have a transparency setting for the colour BG setting, you can set the Banner stack to use an transparent image BG in the Banner settings and not the stacks basic settings at the top of each stacks settings. Then for the image, use a small transparent PNG image and set it to tile horizontally and vertically and this will create a transparent BG and allow the SVG BG to become visible when Banner is dropped into a PaddyBG.

A suitable transparent image can be created in a graphics App, by creating an image such as a 10px by 10px image with no content and then export it as a PNG image. Because you won’t see the resulting image it is well worth giving it a meaningful name such as transparent10px.png so that you can find it.


Purchased. Another great design. Keep them coming. Thanks Gary for waking me up to the use of SVGs. I guess sometimes I am a bit slow to catch on to good things :grinning:. I have now used SVGs in my own design website (Boray Designs) via your PaddyBG stack - out with heavy pictures and in with the SVGs.

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Thanks for the kind words.

SVG’s have always been accessible using stacks that support warehousing, but that meant that Foundry users couldn’t take advantage of SVGs. So that was one of the reasons why I created PaddyBG and then so many more opportunities opened up.

The other big advantage I found when using SVG generators like, is that for those web designs where you are struggling to find a traditional set of images that fit the requirement, many times a super light SVG image will work perfectly.

New design looks great and loads really fast BTW, and a perfect example where SVG BG’s create a totally unique look.


Gary - is the new PaddyBG stack available for those of us who have the Paddy stacks from previous Project purchases, as you have generously offered with past additions to the Paddy Suite?


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Yes sure. Send me an email or PM.


Thanks very much! That’s very generous of you and much appreciated.

PM on the way.