Position stack equivalent in F3?

Is there an equivalent stack to the F2 position stack? I can’t seem to find one, even with a different name that does the same thing. Trying to rewrite my site in F3. There is definitely a learning curve.

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There’s not a dedicated tool for absolute positioned items. This was one that wasn’t used much because of the complexity of the tool and needing to refine the settings at each breakpoint to get the most out of it. You can use Blacksmith to absolutely position items within a Container that has relative positioning enabled. That said, if you describe what you’re trying to do, perhaps we as a community can help you create the layout without needing something like Position.

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You’re right in that it was complicated and I only made the Position Stack work in a few cases. That said, I will explore with Blacksmith how to absolutely position items in a container. I had a few main pages in my site that used Position stack to place headers at certain vertical and centrally located positions on the page and I am trying to recreate a new F3 site in a similar format as with F2.
I just need to find the “equivalents” or similar stacks between the two versions to get things working. It’s a learning curve, but I am enjoying what I have been able to do with F3.

If you get stuck on it, please feel free to share a screenshot and URL and maybe someone can help out. :+1:

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