Problems with paragraph and Dark Mode. Text remains black

Is there an error in Paragraph Stack or is it something I’ve done wrong. Maybe it’s not ready for Dark Mode?

When I activate Show Reference in the Foundy Control Center, it appears that the text is set to white, but not on my website. On my website it is black all the time.

Seems to work fine here: Screen Recording 2021-04-23 at 8.04.05 • Droplr

Did you copy and paste your text from somewhere? Did you use paste as plain text when you pasted it?

It appears that the problem occurs when it is inserted into a Banner.

I am sorry, but it works in the Banner here as well: Screen Recording 2021-04-23 at 8.09.07 • Droplr

I’m obviously having a bad day today :sob: I now see that Paragraph Style was set to Color Picker.

Sorry again. I log off!