Question: Line Height in "Full Entry View"

In the “Full Entry View” I would like to make the line spacing slightly larger and the distances before the headings. Is there a way for it? At the moment I see only one possibility in the “Foundry-Stack”, but this applies to the whole page and I do not want that.

Best regards

Hi there @Gerhard – Alloy is set to adopt the line height from the page. In this case it would be the base font in the Foundry Control Center. This is purposeful to make sure that the blog’s content match the rest of your page. This helps to have the content fit in with the rest of your design without having to adjust things granularly.

I’m afraid :-))
But a lot of content reads better if the distances are slightly larger than e.g. Footers (see attachment).

:slight_smile: Gerhard

I wasn’t attempting to debate opinions in design styling, just letting you know how and why the tool is built and functions like it does.