RapidSearchHelper and SimpleSearch on Foundry

Hello there, I’m having a little trouble integrating RapidSearchHelper with SimpleSearch on Foundry. Whenever I set the RSH integration to ‘SimpleSearch’ it swaps back to ‘RapidSearch’ every time I close RW. I publish the files and I type in a word and it goes to the designated search page on my site, but with no results shown. Is anyone else having trouble with this?

Hi there @PadraigHamilton!

Foundry doesn’t have anything that would directly interact with those 3rd-party addons. From the brief description you’ve given above, it sounds very much like the problem likely is originating in the plugins themselves and their combination with Foundry. Who is the developer of the plugins you mention? Have you spoken to them yet?

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Thanks for this message. They are both stacks4stacks and yes spoken with him. I’ll try him again and see how it goes. All best