Reveal not triggering animation on mobile devices

Hi Adam,

I use the Reveal stack within a section stack, but it doesn’t work @mobile - any idea, what I am doing wrong? Here is the url: (will be redirected to on all mobile devices). Enable Browser Scrollbar is on ON.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards,

Have you enabled the “Animate on Mobile Breakpoint” feature in Reveal?

Also, be sure to set a category for your forum posts to keep things organized. This post should be in the Foundry category.

Yes,“Animate on Mobile Breakpoint” it is enabled.

Send me your project file and I’ll have a look at it when I’m in the office next. Being the weekend is here it might take me longer than normal to get to it. Send it to adam at elixirgraphics dot com

If it is larger than 4 mb send it via Drop Box or WeTransfer.

Got your project file this morning and took a look. The problem is unrelated to the Section stack, so I’ve changed that part of your forum post’s title.

The Reveal stack’s library is configured correctly, but I suspect that something has changed in iOS along the way that is preventing the mobile animations from triggering. I don’t know if this is purposeful on their part or not. I’ll make a note of this to work on. I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it work with the current library or not. If not I may need to re-write the stack or just remove the ability to have animations trigger on mobile devices.