Social Badges Stack | Tic Tok

Hello - I wish to announce a newly launched Tik Tok Account but I can’t find the Tic Tok icon in the Social Badges stack in Foundry. Obviously I’m searching alphabetically. Just wondering if I need to upgrade or I’m missing something ? Kind Regards | Justin

Hi @DinkyPixel – I just had this same request recently from someone else. Unfortunately I can’t help here. Stacks uses the FontAwesome v4.7 library for icons, including the ones found in the Social Badges stack. This means in using that library we’re limited in what it contains. If you search here on the FA v4.7 icon offerings you’ll find that Tik Tok is not an option, and thus isn’t an option in the Social Badges stack either.

Hi @elixirgraphics . And thanks for replying so quickly. You will forgive me if this a stupid question, but is there a reason why this Foundry social stack isn’t able to support version 5.15.4 of font awesome. A version which I believe does contain support for TicTok and other emerging social media platforms ? Thanks. Justin

Foundry v2 uses the Stacks APIto load FontAwesome. Stacks does not provide v5+, it only gives access to v4. Loading v5 separately from the Stacks API could cause multiple versions of FontAwesome to be loaded if third-party stacks are loading via the API.

So am I right in thinking @elixirgraphics that for us to be in a position to use v5 of Font Awesome, this needs to come from @Isaiah over at YourHead software ?

Not necessarily. To be play nicely within the API and help prevent double loading of FA though that would be best.

Believe it or not it isn’t an easy thing to deal with on YourHead’s side of things though as I understand it as it presents a problem with pages that might load stacks that are requesting different versions of FontAwesome. It is something to be looked at in a major update.


Continuing the discussion from Social Badges Stack | Tic Tok:

Hello, I also have a client that wants to add Tiktok. I understand the ‘stacks’ Yourhead problem but could it be possible to include in the nav bar pro - there where you can choose icons that you can add a “custom” possibility to place a logo like Tiktok or whatever. At the site you can see at the bottom I have fix it with media group the only thing is the spacing - but at the nav I’m stuck…because of the dropdown…

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I had a look at the navigation of Platform - Foundation - Source and they all have the extra zone possibility (left or right) this would be great and a real solution…

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This ends up being a bigger problem than it sounds on the surface. The variance of user submitted images would cause a problem with maintaining the formatting of the icons within the Social Medias icons stack.

This too causes a great deal of problems. The content that can be placed into such a drop zone can vary greatly. This will cause many users problems, as it can and will mess up the formatting and navigation item visibility.

Additionally, even if I were to add such a feature it would not be immediately. It would be in a major update, so such a feature would not help you right now, which I think is what you’re looking for right?

My suggestion would be to perhaps create a social media bar either above or below your navigation perhaps. There are some great pre-built projects out there that do this. You can have a look at @egomade’s project, and maybe pick one or two up for examples. Some of the projects that have what I’m talking about are:

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Thx for the reply and solutions - I have solved it with Clean Menu of 1LD Themes - this gave me the opportunity to keep the site and only change the navigation.

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