SSL PHP Errors after latest Alloy update

Hi, after the update from Alloy I get these messages when I open the editor:

Everything was fine before the update. What can I do?


Strange. This has been in beta testing for a month or more and hasn’t come up with any testers. It is also strange because this particular code, wasn’t worked on for this update.

Are you sure you have a valid SSL cert for this URL?

Can you send me a ZIP file containing the following items:

  • Your project file
  • The index.php file from the Editor folder
  • Your PHP error log file if you have it available

Also, let me know what version of PHP you’re using please.

You’re only having a problem with the Editor currently and not the blog page, correct?

Hi yes, only the Editor page. I send the files later on. Thank you.

Can you answer the question regarding your SSL Cert posed in the above post for me?

Yes, the SSL is valid:

Thanks. I’ll have to take your word for it since I do not read German fluently and can’t run the images you’ve attached through a translator service.

Is this a self signed SSL Cert by chance?

Just trying to narrow things down as this error is usually associated with a URL with an invalid SSL certificate.

No, the hoster takes care of that.

Are any of your blog posts from before Alloy version 3? Any posts that use remote URLs for Topper Images because they were manually created in v1 or v2?

When you send the ZIP file include the posts folder too, please.