Strange behaviour publishing

Hi, I am using Rapid Weaver 8 and Stacks and Foundry. I am building a page for my job as a Real Estate. Well, I published in the navigation bar 8 pages. In RW all pages look perfect but when I publish the website one page, always the same is not published in the entirety. For example, I insert 3 properties but after published, only one appears. Even If I try to re-publish all or rebuilt the page I have the same problem. What could be the problem and a solution?

Hi there @paolo

Can you provide us a live URL to look at?

Also, if you can, send me a ZIP file via Dropbox or a similar service that I can have a look at.

Sounds like it could be your browser’s cache. Safari pretty aggressively caches the page content to speed reloads. It’s probably loading the page from cache and not pulling the most recent changes from the server.

Restarting Safari usually works. Or, you can try a private Safari window or a different browser.