Video/Orbit slider not showing up

I have an orbit slider with 3 videos in a testimonials section on a site I am currently building for a client. The site is live, but it’s not finished yet. I am hoping to have it completed by Friday so I need to get this issue rectified.

At the bottom where it says Our Current Clients Love Us, and We Think You Will, Too there are 3 videos in an orbit slider. They work fine in preview and if you preview the site in a browser - but they don’t show up when the site is published in any browser - safari or chrome. Please advise. Thanks so much

here’s the site:

@DesignCreatrix Hi, could you share a photo of your nested stacks ?

It has a content slider with an html stack. I use Adilo for video so the html is the embed code from adilo.

Orbit has a Video slide option:

yes, but I do not use YouTube or Vimeo so it doesn’t work for me. If there was a self-hosted option I’d do that. I don’t like YouTube and never use it because it shows other videos at the end and I don’t think it looks professional, plus, it shows competing videos.

@DesignCreatrix Hi, sorry I’m not competent for this embed (well I don’t think it could work like this, hope I’m wrong) but I see that Adam is here :+1::crossed_fingers:

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Self-hosted videos is not a feature of Orbit unfortunately. Sorry. As for the outro screen on YouTube, I believe you can choose what is shown if memory serves.

Can I use the content slider to embed html video? I paid a lot of money for Adilo video hosting - it is how I host video and I need a solution that works with that.

(BTW I appreciate your feedback a lot! Thanks for creating such amazing products and such amazing support! I think I own almost every product you sell.)

Not likely.

When the page initially loads the slider looks to see what the content height is in the slide, and then sets a height for the slide based on that content. The video slides built in to Orbit take into account that when the page loads the video may not be fully loaded, yet and has specific code to address this. Content slides are not the same. And the video iframe, when it loads likely has no height to it.

Orbit is not designed to work in the way you’re using it. It is built to use the video embeds for video content and not self-hosted video.