Weird Stacks Display Anomalies with F3

I specifically checked for that, and it is turned OFF, as it said it did not work on Ventura. I am running Ventura 13.2 on a 14" M1 MAX MacBook Pro with 32GB of RAM. NOTE: This version of the site has not yet been published.

What are the instructions for uploading a project?

Create a ZIP file containing your project file. This is the file you open in RapidWeaver to edit your site. After creating the ZIP file, upload it using a service like Dropbox, WeTransfer, Droplr, or a similar service to create download link for us. Paste that download link in your reply.

i have a similar problem… but only in the navigation bar

i am also running Ventura 13.2 on a 14" M1 MAX MacBook Pro with 32GB of RAM.

acceleration ist off but also the toolbox.

i will Create a ZIP file and sent you an direct message

Thanks. I’ll have a look and see if I can force Ventura and Stacks Edit Mode to like each other a wee-bit more. Maybe they need a counseling session or something.

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@Pegasus I suspect yours is from the Backdrop filter you’re applying to the nav bar in Blacksmith. The Ventura / Stacks compatibility in Edit Mode is choking on the Backdrop properties. Probably smarter not to show them in Edit Mode anyway. I’ll tell Blacksmith to only apply the backdrop filters in Preview Mode and on the Published site. We’ll have to wait and see what @handshaper’s project file shows us there.

Stacks is a hot mess with Ventura. I’m seeing anomalies with all kinds of stacks from pretty much every Developer.

I think Stacks 5 is using a version of WebKit that Apple has retired, so this’ll be a job for Isaiah.


OK, here is a Dropbox link to the project files; hopefully, it works.

@handshaper – I suspect, like @Pegasus, that your problem is also being caused by the backdrop filter as well. If you temporarily delete Blacksmith from your page does it clear up the problem for you?

yap… no problems now!

thx :slight_smile:

I tried deleting Blacksmith, and it did NOT fix my problem.

turn anti-alias fonts OFF (Control Center)

@elixirgraphics @handshaper

You have some things on your page I cannot account for – a non-Foundry tools – that I do not own. So I have to remove them for testing. Grouper and FormSnap being the two I see. So I have to remove them for testing. I also removed Blacksmith to test against the bug I found when testing the project file sent to me by @Pegasus. Doing those things resolves the problem here.

So if you still have problems after temporarily removing Blacksmith, try also removing those non-Foundry tools as well and see what the results are.

I’ll refer you also to what @jacksona said here:

Also you have put your Toolbox inside a Partial. You shouldn’t do that.

@Pegasus — This change will go out in the next update. I had planned on releasing the update late today or tomorrow, but I’ve added a lot of stuff this week and want to have a little time for testing and documentation writing. Plus it looks like we’re still seeing if @handshaper might have an issue still, and if so maybe I can get that one in the same update, too. So likely Monday is when it will ship if all goes well.

I don’t suspect that is it. If it ends up being the case I’d be interested to see it in action.

Aloha, Adam. I think things have possibly been resolved. First, as you suggested, I removed the Grouper stack. I did not remove Formsnap. I then moved the Toolbox tool out of the partial. At first, these changes had ZERO effect.

Then I double-clicked the header for the Toolbox to expand it, and instantly all of the drawing problems were resolved. So then I collapsed it again, and the problems returned. So it appears, at least in my case, that the problem lay there. Not sure why that would happen, as I am typically very anal about collapsing stacks on my page when I’m not using them.

BTW, turning off anti-aliasing did not affect the problem.

You should not be hiding / collapsing the Toolbox. That goes against how it is meant to work. Glad you got your specific problem sorted. The Backdrop filter is also a problem and will be in the next update.


take a look in this video

It clears up temporarily in your video, but then returns when you scroll back up the page at the end. This indicates it is unrelated to anti-aliasing of the body font.

but after deleting the toolbox (last step) i have no display errors … :-/

Correct, because it was collapsed, as @handshaper stated above:

Which would again point to it not being the font anti-aliasing.