Whimsy Breakpoint Settings

Hi everyone,

I make a gallery with employees on one page and embed the images in the Whimsy Stack. But now I need a different display of the overlay for large and very small displays. It would be nice if the overlay could be set for each breakpoint.

Now I have to use each employee with all the information twice, each time with a visibility stack. Firstly, the initial effort is greater and secondly, I now have to enter every change to the image or one of the integrated elements such as header, text, etc. twice.

If I also set the indicator at the bottom left so that it is not in the middle of the employee’s face, the indicator still remains in the centre with XS Breakpoint.

Have I not overlooked anything and do I really have to do it this way or is there an easier way that I might be overlooking?

Best, Matts

@dogbone Hi, Do you use Background sizing ? It uses 6 settings for each breakpoints you can choose.

@Bruno You mean the spacing stack or what do you mean by background sizing? How should I use it to set the overlay in the whimsy stack?

Not spacing tool, it’s in the settings panel of the stack, under Indicator. It allows you to chose at each breakpoint a size for thumbnails.

I think we are talking bypassing each other.
In the indicator settings, I can only set the size and position of the indicator icon and the background of the indicator. None of this has anything to do with the overlay of the Whimsy stack.
With the indicator, I only said that it remains in the centre in the XS breakpoint, although I have set it to the bottom left.

Haaaa ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding. So my answer is no with what you described. Maybe we could help you with a photo of the nested stacks of your page, and propose an alternative.

Whimsy is not designed to have separate overlay stylings based on breakpoint. You can achieve this with Blacksmith if you’d like to venture into more customized design.

Well, the stack is not that interesting or informative now. My problem is that I cannot make different entries for each breakpoint in the overlay in the whimsy stack. Therefore, I have to map each employee twice, once in a visibility stack in which I hide XS and once in which I hide all other breakpoints.

And my question is actually, can I map this differently? I’ve already looked at the Alchemy Stack, but it doesn’t work. Maybe there are stacks with this overlay effect from other manufacturers.

@elixirgraphics Thanks. But do you recognise the benefit this could have?

Ah yes, there’s this Blacksmith that I’ve wanted to look into for a long time… And something like that would be possible with it?

You don’t need to duplicate content if you go the route of styling the overlay yourself, at various breakpoints, using Blacksmith.

As for adding such a feature to Whimsy – it is a niche thing that few would want to do with the tool. You’re the only person as of yet to ask for said feature. I personally am not understanding your use case for changing the overlay at different breakpoints. What is the gain? Why do it? Etc? All that said, this is not likely a feature I would add. I am sorry, I know that isn’t what you want to hear.

As I said, I will try to do that as soon as possible.

That’s your right as the developer of Foundry. In this case, I am just a user and am simply putting it out there. Someone is always the first to have a comment about a function, right? I am fine with it.

The reason for this is simple: the overlay function is very practical, e.g. for displaying a person’s name and function. I try to do this in such a way that the overlay takes up perhaps half of an image on large displays. On smaller displays, the surrounding image is naturally smaller and so is the text in the overlay. There I would then make the overlay over the whole image so that the text can remain in it and you can still read it.

There are other solutions, but it would have been so practical.
Thank you for your support.