Working with SVGs

Does anyone have any experience using an app called Nucleo? When I copy the SVG code and paste it into the F3 SVG tool I can’t modify the fill or stroke colors within the tool, but if I use IconJar which is another icon app, I can modify the fill and stroke colors. My guess is there are values that the Nucleo app is inserting into the SVG code that the F3 SVG tool can’t overwrite. I was hoping there was a setting I change that would remove those values inside the Nucleo app.

I was testing other svg stacks and Joe’s svg stacks both the Foundation 6 and his free svg stack that comes with his starter pack both work fine when I copy the svg code from inside the Nucleo app.

It is likely that your SVG has inline colors set. The Foundry tool doesn’t override those inline colors. Foundry expects that if an SVG has colors inline that those are meant to be there.

I’ve been experimenting with the settings in the Nucleo app. It has a setting I can select that removes inline colors from svg code but I’m still not having any luck applying a fill color, however I can apply a stroke color.

It’s definitely the Nucleo app that’s causing the issue, if I manually remove the colors before I copy the svg code everything works fine.


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