Zoom and 9x16 aspect ratio

Was hoping someone could help me with this issue. I need to create a video grid of portrait 9x16 content. But when the zoom video opens in the lightbox there’s gradient background that shows up that doesn’t look good, it’s not an issue when using 16x9 videos only with vertical videos. I need to try ro remove the gradient.

I tried locating the css to see if I can remove, but I couldn’t locate. I came close finding this and adding a background: none

I can’t seem to find the css selector. Any help appreciated in trying to remove the gradient
Thanks you

The gradient you’re looking for is applied differently depending on what type of video you’re loading in Zoom. Yours looks to be embedded via Vimeo, correct?

You need to apply the styling to the iframe within Zoom. Also you’ll need to remember to use an !important override, which Blacksmith allows you to do. And lastly, you’ll also probably want to set the box-shadow to none as well.

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction, super easy, created stylesheet for the background gradient set to no color. Took care of the shadow in zooms builtin options.


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