New Foundry Features

A couple of years ago now I posted this thread (linked below) regarding Foundry Feature Requests.

I wanted to bring this thread back to the surface so everyone here knows that this tool for providing feature requests for Foundry exists. I’m working on some new tools right now for Foundry, and will also start working on new features for existing Foundry tools in the coming months, so I thought it would be a good idea to make sure this medium for providing feature requests is accessible and known.

It is important to me that your voices are heard when it comes to shaping Foundry. While not everything suggested may be possible, or make it in to Foundry, it is important that I know what you’re looking for.

If you’d like to suggest a feature, or a new tool idea, I’m going to copy and paste the feature request instructions from that old post into this thread below.

Recently I’ve been getting a lot of feature requests for Foundry (as well as Potion Pack and Thunder Pack). I’ve been manually tracking these myself for quite some time internally.

I thought it might be easier though to create a public location for users to file requests. This way not only are they easily tracked by myself, but you may get ideas for requests of your own from other user submissions, or you may see someone has already requested something you were going to, saving you time of submitting it yourself. This also gives me a place to obtain more information from you when you file a request.

So I’ve built out a public Github Repository where you can file your requests in the Issues tab. This will be a good way for me to track your submissions for future inclusion in Foundry and its addon packs.

For now I’m limiting this feature request tracker solely to Foundry, Potion and Thunder. Please do not file requests in the tracker for anything else.

You can find the Foundry Feature Requests Github Repository here:

There are instructions on that landing page to explain the basics of what I need for a feature requests. As you file them I may refine these guidelines and workflow, we’ll just have to see how this all goes.