Problem with Alloy RSS Feed (isnt generating feed)

I am having an issue with my my site. im trying to setup a blog for RSS but when i publish it doesnt generate the feed.

everything is setup according to the Video Documentation.

I dont think its a permissions problem as I can make changing to the page otherwise

can anyone help?

@duke_seb Hi, maybe with more details. Can you share an image of your stack page (blog and rssfeed) ?

@duke_seb ok, I need more details : image of the blog page stacks (full view) and image of page with rssfeed stack (full view). BTW have you checked that the name given to the rss in alloy is the same as that of the rssfeed stack (links matching)?

I’m honestly not sure what you’re looking for?

Those are the only things that I have the ability to change regarding the RSS

Do you want the link to the page?

I want to see if the stack on a page other than that of the blog is correctly configured to receive information from Alloy. It’s a fairly simple stack and I don’t see many reasons why it doesn’t do what is expected of it, that’s why I want to make sure that nothing has been forgotten. A link on the page will not allow me to see the infrastructure of your stacks but it’ll permit me to see your website :yum:

Im sorry, but I dont know what this means… youre going to need to explain it to me like im a moron. I really don’t know what youre asking for.

No problem, we’re all newbie, It’s a good sign, it means that we continue to learn things.
Your pages in Rapidweaver, I need a photo of the entire pages (several photos if it is too long and you have to scroll). A photo for the page where you configure Alloy rssfeed and a photo of the page where you install the rssfeed. If you don’t mind give me the link to your website page too, so I can discover your site.

arent they the same page?

I hope this is what your asking for

Ok everything is good except there’s no rss.xml file in your blog folder. Can you check that (if there is rss.xml in the blog directory) on your server with an ftp client ?

There is no rss file in the directory. thats the reason i wondering if im missing something.

the permissions on the folder are fine as I can publish to it and make changes to the page.

Ok we have found the problem. Can you republish the blog page after checking that rssfeed is activated on Alloy control center (the icon appears in the photo but two checks is better than one)?

are you talking about this?
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 1.26.16 PM

If so ive turned that on and off a dozen times no effect

it might make sense to me if I understood how the stack grabs the information about the posts to create the RSS file. because non of those posts are in rapidweaver they are in the editor

The RSS feed is generated when you visit the page blog page. Visit the blog page, and then refresh your FTP view to see if your feed has been created in the blog’s folder on your server. If not please let us know what the permissions for your blog folder are on your server.

didnt work

here is the permissions

Permissions seems ok except for 777 (www-data) : never on a public server.
The capital letters in the name of the blog directory cause me concern: not in agreement with html and domain name Rules. Don’t know if it’s the problem…

I changed it… no effect

could this be an apache or htaccess thing I need to modify?