Problem with Alloy RSS Feed (isnt generating feed)

I dont know why my search isnt working

but i found this in the php file.

do i add the ones you suggested and then uncomment them?

Not sure what your asking here

Itā€™s a php.file like index.php, when you open it with your navigator it displays infos.
I assume youā€™re on Debian, so yes add the three lines without ā€œ;ā€ at the beginning and restart apache server. If it doesnā€™t work just comment them.

lines didnt work in the php.ini file

also if i understand what your saying correctly you wanted me to make a file ie. test.php, paste that info into it and try and open it in safari?

if so it resulted in a blank page

Yes. Thatā€™s a test to check the config.
The lines to add in your php.ini are :

blank page

so thereā€™s a problem with the installation of php on the server. Maybe you could reinstall packages ?

you have instructions?

apt-get update
apt-get --reinstall install php-xml php-curl
service apache2 restart

no luck :frowning: didnt work

take a last look at php.ini in the mod part please

might be better if you showed me what its supposed to look like

Well basically you need to see these three lines :

Without them it canā€™t work. But each installation is unique, even with Debian : depends of what is installed with. Donā€™t know if Iā€™m clear enough ?

ughā€¦ so annoyingā€¦ maybe ill build another webserver and publish my files to it and see what happens

Yes itā€™s an option, not the quickest but a brand new one avoids bad interactions. Grandpa advice : be sure that php module are engaged in custom install with Debian. Good luck.

??? what does this mean?

Sorry for my English Iā€™m French, checked maybe ???

Sorry been dealing with selling and buying a houseā€¦. I do appreciate your help. I havenā€™t given up on this problem yet. Just taking a break from it for a couple days

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No problem, sorry for my unhappy message. Seems everybody moves on here (like Adamā€¦), best wishes for your new home

funny, I build a new server and my webpages all show up now except the blog and editor page :frowning:

@duke_seb Hi, First : Nail a horseshoe, buy a rabbit paw, water the four-leaf clovers plantationā€¦ BTW I assume you donā€™t live in a house built on an old Indian cemetery :crazy_face:
More seriously, what installation did you do: OS version, packages chosen for installation, php modules version?